Friday, 24 June 2016

Welcome: is a bitcoin faucet. A bitcoin faucet is a website that offer its users small amounts

Welcome: is a bitcoin faucet. A bitcoin faucet is a website that offer its users small amounts of bitcoins for doing nothing. Normally you have to enter your bitcoin address and a captcha (to prevent bots) and get paid. Don't forget that you can visit our faucet multiple time in a day to boost your earnings.
Earnings: At each claim you'll have the chance to win 0.00000400 BTC (99.5) to 0.00100000 BTC (0.5) every 60 minutes. It's absolutely safe and fair.
Withdrawals: All payments sent every day on 24:00 (UTC+1) o'clock after midnight when you reach threshold of 0.00010000 BTC, don't need click cash out button. Don't need create an account on these wallets, just use your bitcoin address. All countries will have a fee for the direct transfer. Besides some countries don't have fee, but earn the bonus Satoshi.
Referral Program: Tell all your friends and family about Free1BTC

Friday, 17 June 2016

Once invest in mining and every day automatic profit in your account

Once invest in mining and every day automatic profit in your account
What do I need to start mining?
It’s necessary to create an account using your email address. Then you should check your email and log on by using the received data. As soon as you enter the site you get 15 Kh/s and your mining starts. You can control the statistics of earned crypto-currency every day on the Transaction page. If you like the productivity of this service you can purchase the powers on the Buy page.
How can I purchase the powers?
If you want to make an acquisition it’s necessary for you to have a Bitcoin-wallet. We recommend you to create this wallet via the service But you can also create your wallet by any other convenient way. You can find out more about Bitcoin-wallet on the site
Thereafter you can choose desired volume of purchase and pay it via your Bitcoin-wallet.
How long can I use purchased powers?
When you purchase the powers you have them on a continuing basis. Even when you repay expenditures the purchased powers are continuing working. Besides, you can always take your hardware back. Learn more.
Can I have my money back if I don’t like something?
Of course you can. We also give 100% of your investments back without any fees. Learn more.
Can I use my hardware on your service?
The main priorities for us are high earning power, low power consumption and stable operation. For this reason we are using video card Radeon R9 280X in our data centres. If you have the similar video cards we are ready to accept them after the full diagnostics. To order the diagnostics please call our Service desk using the contact details on the Support page. You should specify the full name of the card as well as the purchase date.
How can I get the profit?
As long as you have the amount no less than 0.005 BTC you will get the payment daily and automatically. If you don’t want to get payments automatically but to store them to purchase additional powers you can choose the relevant payment mode.
Why do I get payment in BTC?
To ensure the high earning power our hardware mines different types of crypto-currency at the same time. Then our specialists exchange them for Bitcoin on the best terms. We could have made payments in different crypto-currencies but in this case our users would have to make an exchange on their own and for the most part the final earning power could be way below.
Why do we measure purchased powers in Kh/s?
As long as we use video cards for mining it is generally agreed to measure their capacity in Kh/s. In fact, the productivity of video cards can be measured according to their cryptographic algorithm. For the capacity rating of video cards we use Scrypt algorithm.
What does “700 Kh/s = 1 Unit” mean?
We have introduced a concept of a “Unit” by which we understand the video card Radeon R9 280 X Gigabyte (GV-R928XOC-3GD) that has productivity around 700 Kh/s.  From there, if the total capacity is 2 800 Kh/s we consider this as a combined working process of 4 video cards. And if we have your request for hardware purchasing you will get 4 video cards Radeon R9 280X Gigabyte (GV-R928XOC-3GD). Learn more.
How do you get the profit if we don’t pay you but just buy the hardware?
Yes, our customers just get the hardware at wholesale. But our profit is 10% of daily earning power and we get this profit as a result of exchanging crypto-currencies for Bitcoin. Therefore the earning power of the service is shown with our profit that we earn by exchanging crypto-currencies.

Monday, 13 June 2016

WIN 100 000 SATOSHI EVERY HOUR | Advertise here Extremely competitive prices at 3.89 mBTC/1000 visitors
WIN 100 000 SATOSHI EVERY HOUR | Advertise here Extremely competitive prices at 3.89 mBTC/1000 visitors
15 KH/s to every new user for free and forever. | Earn BTC with 50/50 Referral Program | Get Free & 500 satoshi
Earn up to 0.0112 mBTC per click. More then 50+ advertisers per day.
 Earn 35% from your referrals clicks, 15% from upgrades and purchases as Premium member.
 Low direct payouts for Premium members 1 mBTC. 5 levels referral program.
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Affordable advertising starting at 0.00389 BTC for 1000 visitors.
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Monday, 6 June 2016

The Bit Hash Special (BHS) represents a speculative investment and involves a degree of risk. Investors must have the financial ability"
The Bit Hash Special (BHS) represents a speculative investment and involves a degree of risk. Investors must have the financial ability, prior knowledge and willingness to bear the risks of an in
Investors may consider adding Bitcoin to their portfolios, not only to potentially monetize the long-term positive returns of Bitcoin price appreciation, but also as a way to diversify their investments. Allocating a portion of one’s assets into Bitcoin could prove profitable in the long run.
The trusted authority on digital currency investing, Bit Hash Limited provides reliable investment exposure to the developing digital currency asset class. Bit Hash investment products called The BitHash Special or BHS provide titled, auditable Bitcoin exposure through available market 
Interest on your investment is accrued on an hourly basis & can be withdrawn instantly into your Bitcoin address. 

Please, note that BHS pays a perpetual return, in other words – only you decide how long you will keep your active investment in BHC. Each investor receives an interest on his investment as long as his deposit is active. 

Speical note: Should an investor decide to close his active BHS, he will be charged a fee for this transaction. All other transactions are fee free. 

Withdraw fees depend on the number of days of your active BHS investment. We wish to establish a long-term cooperation with our clients & the system of fees has been designed to protect BHS from any possible downslides. 

The following fees are applied only when a client makes a decision to close his active BHS investment.

BHS is effectively broken down into 3 plans depending on the amount of investment involved:BITCOIN : A WAY TO ENHANCE RETURNS

In addition to helping mitigate downside risk, an investment in Bitcoin can also enhance anyone’s portfolio returns. In our low-rate and slow-growth environment, investors have been looking to alternative assets to boost returns. An alternative asset to consider adding to a portfolio is Bitcoin.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Still free coupon to you to see if you want to enjoy and to share with your friends Currently over 100 offered for each entry during pre launch
Here Swisscoin
Still free coupon to you to see if you want to enjoy and to share with your friends
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